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Granny & Jack Mr Kershaw? Kershaws Granny + MJS
Children at Sunnycroft Departure Granny + cart Group2 at Sunnycroft
Group3 at Sunnycroft Group4 at Sunnycroft Front door Driveway 1905
Mum Granny + Mr Kershaw Group   mum Rachel House 2
Mum and Rachel Westbank front Boat scene Group 2a
Group on Bridge Group1 at Sunycroft Potters at Westbank Grannys Wedding
Potter Cockburn brewery Wickets Inn The Vineyards compared Slaney 2
Slaneys & Kershaws Sunnycroft 1 Vineyards + Jane Cobley 4 Generations
JHS MJS Mum in garden PotterBaby
MrKershaw (poss) Mum&Lionel Westbank rear Rachel arrives
Rachel arrives2 Nanny Munting Mum & Rachel 2 Beach
Rachel Mary Slaney